Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brother Lynn

Lynn, my brother, died this last Friday. He was born 5 years and 6 days ahead of me.

His death was nothing less than a total surprise to everyone and it seemed to me way to early for it to be happening. Lynn was the epitome of the "all around good guy". He had a great work ethic, he was a good husband, a good dad, and the proudest grandfather one might ever know! Lynn loved people and doing for people.

Our family has not been the closest family in the world as we all live quite a distance from each other. Lynn has been the common denominator in our family in keeping everyone in contact. Many a time Lynn would call and I could hear forklifts in the back ground or machines running. "I was just thinking of you and thought I would call" he would say. I find that, now, some what comforting; during his busy life my brother would have moments of 'thinking about" me. He did a lot of that- thinking of others but I want to tell you about what he did for me.

In high school our relationship was nothing less than the typical brother dislike for each other- like two young bull calves fighting at every opportunity. He wasn't always the most brother friendly person in the world and our tussles would give evidence to that! Lynn began changing- something in his life was different and it frustrated me. Things went from party mode to "doing what is right" mode. As I reached an older age what was acceptable for him at that age was all of sudden NOT acceptable for me. He would tell me not to do the things he had done for years! My young brain was totally confused about this and was very perplexed about it!

Soon Lynn married his wife and moved to Oklahoma City to go to Bible College which really didn't go along with the Lynn I knew as we were growing up! But whatever, he wasn't around any more to worry about his nagging at me.

My father and I had a strained relationship and times were not good between us. I would be often compared to Lynn by him and was often asked why I wasn't more like him. ugh. I had applied for x-ray school while a senior in high school but was turned down. There was then no direction in my life, I had no idea what I would do after school. The day of my graduation Lynn came home and asked me to move to OKC with him and his wife and their first child. Out of the blue this brother that I was glad to see leave my life to live in another city, suddenly appears after not talking to each other for at least months if not years to ask ME to move to another city with them! At the time, I had no reservations to say yes as I needed to move away from home asap, I could work out the logistics of life after getting to OKC.

Lynn was different in OKC. His life revolved around his wife and daughter, work, church and church friends. The party days had disappeared, his coming home in a stupor was long gone, and his dag gum cheerfulness was frustrating for someone that didn't get it!!

Going to the same church as Lynn I met a girl I had known from home, 300 miles away. Granted, we hadn't like each other 'back home' but we knew each other. I dated her room mate and then asked her to marry me while her room mate was on vacation. (another story another time)

Fast track three years to Sandy and I moving to Tulsa. I found Jesus looking for me and we began a relationship that has caused my world to be totally different. Ahhhh...... this must be what happened to Lynn years prior. My life was different when entering to this relationship with Christ. My hate for my father turned into sorrow that we didn't have a relationship that I thought a father son should have. My outlook on life was different, it wasn't about me but about God and others! I get it!!!

I could tell you more about my life and the changes that took place after having my ah ha moment, but my purpose is to thank Lynn for being there for me. This week a lot has come to light for me and how Lynn was very instrumental in my life. It was because of his change in life that caused me to be frustrated in my life. It was because of his love for his family that caused me to see a different relationship of family life than I had seen. It was because of him that I was able to meet my soul mate and wife! It was because of him that did go to school and get a degree. It was because of him that I began having self confidence. It was really because of Lynn that I have found the joy, peace, and love through Christ. If he hadn't came to Missouri to get me, to give me a chance in a new life in a new place, I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't have the awesome wife I do, I wouldn't have the awesome children I do, I wouldn't know the Lord, and I certainly wouldn't have the joy of knowing Lynn Smith like I do today! I wish it wasn't now that this has came to mind, I wish it would of been 8 days ago and me calling to tell him what he has meant to me.

Lynn lived for the minute, he took opportunities at a drop of a hat. Someone needed to talk, he listened, they needed a hand, he was there to give a hand, they wanted his opinion- he had one of those too!!!

In the stillness of this night fond memories have come of my brother. Thanks Lynn for being you! Thanks for caring and loving the way you did. Thanks for being my brother.

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