Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Dinner for Eight

Being relatively new members of Lenexa Baptist Church, Sandy and I signed up to be a part of the "Dinner for Eight" groupies to endever to get to know more people! For those who don't know, Dinner for Eight is where four couples get together for dinner and fellowship; getting to know each other.

Tonight we went to Dale and Cindy's place for dinner. Our eight was actually six tonight as one couple was unable to attend. We also met John and Allison. Notice there is no last names mentioned, not to hide their identity but because I DON'T ReMeMbEr! ugh! We really had a nice time visiting and learning about each other; undoubtedly last names didn't come up! Dinner was fabulous with lasagna, roasted garlic, bread, 'home-grown' corn, and a salad. Allison brought pecan and brownie pie for desert which was enjoyed along with a cup of hot java! Need to jolt off to get to work dampened the evening but we really had a good time.

Some interesting things about our couples: 1) we are all married 2) we are all pretty close to the same age but different lenghts of time 3) we are the only couple with children 4) we all seem to be animal lovers, to a certain degree 5) we are all employed- two of us the same place and didn't know it 6) we all enjoy traveling 7) none of us are from the Kansas City area 8) the three couples there tonight has been married 10, 20 and 30 years)

We are in hopes that tonight will be the first night of a long relationship with our new friends!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my parents are part of the Dinner for Eight (along with a hundred others, I'm sure). Wouldn't it be cool, though, if they were the missing couple? :) Look up Ken and Phyllis Meyer sometime. My dad is actually getting baptized on Sunday at NBC. Answer to many prayers!!!

    Take care!
    ~ Liz
